Wednesday, 26 March 2025

Twerton and Whiteway Resident's views sought

Councillors Tim Ball and Sarah Moore are out in the community every day speaking with residents, however, over the coming weeks and months, they are keen to get your ideas and opinions on what issues you face and what you want your Councillors to focus on.

It is vital that residents voices are heard and we would encourage everyone to get involved.

You do not have to wait for your Councillors to knock your door, if there is anything you feel would improve our area or needs attention, please do contact them and they will be happy to discuss these with you.

Following previous conversations, there are a number of changes planned for the area already such as speed reduction measures on Shophouse Road, HGV weight restrictions on Pennyquick and more.

Whether it is Transport, Parks, Housing or just something in your own street, Tim and Sarah are happy to speak with you and see if there is anything that can be done to help.

Sunday, 23 March 2025

Requests for Improvements at Redland Park Carrs Woodland

 We have requested several measures to enhance the safety and cleanliness of Redland Park Carrs Woodland:

·      Repair and Height Increase of Fencing: 

The fencing at Redland Park that runs alongside Carrs Woodland should be repaired and

increased in height. This will help prevent the dumping of rubbish and fly-tipping into the


·      Removal of Existing Fly-Tipping: 

Immediate removal of the current fly-tipping in the area has

been requested to restore the cleanliness and appeal of the woodland.

·      Installation of Barriers: 

We have also asked for barriers to be installed at several key locations

to prevent motorcycles from accessing local fields. This will help mitigate the disruption and

inconvenience caused to many residents.


Saturday, 22 March 2025

Twerton and Whiteway Ward Councillor weekly update - 22.03.2025

Here is this weeks update on what your Councillors Tim Ball and Sarah Moore have actioned in the area.

Haycombe Drive - we have again requested the Highways team visit the area and see the increasingly worsening state of the road and get work scheduled.

Newton Road - we have reported the increasing number of pot holes along this road.

Pennyquick Park - we have submitted another request for funds for a pump track, this has been a long term ambition to get sorted, however, the cost for this is so large that it is taking a bit of time to secure.

Firstbus - Sarah spoke with a couple of representatives from Firstbus this week to discuss issues faced by residents and ask for updates on any upcoming changes or improvements they have planned, more information on this will follow soon.

HMOs - We have sent a list of HMOs to BANES that we are aware of, this contains 31 HMOs that we have queries with, either they do not appear to have the relevant Licence or do not appear on the Planning site as having the approved change of use. If you are aware of any HMOs in your street that you want us to look at, please do let us know. The Licensing and Planning rules are there for a reason and we need to ensure they are all correctly registered.

Tim and Sarah attended the Full Council meeting where there was unanimous agreement to object to the latest airport expansion request from Bristol Airport. There was also unanimous agreement for the motion bought forward by the Labour Group and amended by the Liberal Democrat group in discussion with the Labour Group for Improving Transparency and Community Engagement around Planning Gain.

Tim and Sarah also completed over 40 pieces of personal residents case work.

Investigations into Pavement Issues in Twerton and Whiteway

 A Report on Pavement Concerns and Proposed Solutions

We are currently addressing various issues with the pavements in the areas of Twerton and Whiteway. Following the successful installation of dropped kerbs on Twerton High Street, our focus has shifted to the paving slabs, which are visibly cracked and broken. In response to this, we have requested an investigation into alternative surface types to ensure the durability and safety of the pavements.

Additionally, at Redland Park, the red-bricked paving has started to sink significantly, rendering it unfit for purpose. This deterioration has necessitated a request for an evaluation of different paving materials that may better withstand the conditions and provide a safer and more stable surface.

Our goal is to enhance the infrastructure in these areas by employing more resilient and effective paving solutions, ensuring the safety and comfort of all pedestrians.


Friday, 21 March 2025

Planning application 39 Garrick Rd

 We have one planning application to report on you have till 7th April to comment 

   Please click the link(s) below if you wish to view more details:

Application Reference: 25/00833/FUL
Address: 39 Garrick Road, Whiteway, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 1QX
Proposal: Change of use from 3 bedroom dwelling (Use Class C3) to a 6 bedroom HMO (Use Class C4).
Updated: New Application, 1 New Document(s) Added

Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Sunday, 9 March 2025

Twerton and Whiteway Ward Councillor weekly update - 08.03.2025

Here is this weeks update on what your Councillors Tim Ball and Sarah Moore have actioned in the area.

Freeview Road - we requested the B&NES Clean and Green team attend to clear all the weeds in the gutters and on the footpaths.

Garrick Road - we have been speaking to Curo about the new posts and hedges they have planted.

Rosewarn Close - we are pleased to see both B&NES and Curo have now visited this area to clear flytipping and rubbish.

Shaws Way - We have requested Curo place posts and hedges across their grass section to stop vehicles from driving over it and along the footpath.

We have reported a large number of drains for clearing to ensure road flooding does not occur when it rains.

We have completed over 50 pieces of personal casework.