Monday 22 March 2021

Weekly Planning Applications - 22.03.2021

This week we have one planning application for Twerton and Whiteway.

Ward:               Twerton                                    App Ref:            21/01016/REG03

Parish:             N/A

Registered:      15th March 2021                                   Expiry Date:            10th May 2021

Location:         Crematorium Haycombe Cemetery Whiteway Road Whiteway Bath Bath And North East Somerset BA2 2RQ

Grid Ref:          (E)371837 - (N)163532                          LB Grade:            N/A

Proposal:         Provision of an accessible exit and dignified entrance comprising lobby (adjacent to the lower crematorium entrance) and a new ramp, as well as the external installation of a condenser unit for the proposed cold store

Officer:             Ben Burke

Applicant:        Bath & North East Somerset Council

Agent:    BBA Architects Ltd

C/o Jennifer Raagas

Lewis House

3-4 Manvers Street

City Centre


Bath And North East Somerset



C/o Blaire Gilbert

The Studio

Darlington Wharf

Darlington Road



Click on the link here.

Tuesday 16 March 2021

Weekly Planning Application - 16.03.2021

We have one application for Twerton and Whiteway this week, as below:

Ward:               Twerton                                    App Ref:            21/01148/FUL

Parish:             N/A

Registered:      11th March 2021                                   Expiry Date:     6th May 2021

Location:         21 Poolemead Road Whiteway Bath Bath And North East Somerset BA2 1QW 

Grid Ref:          (E)371877 - (N)164121                          LB Grade:            N/A

Proposal:         Change of use from dwelling (Use Class C3) to House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) (Use Class C4).

Officer:            Hayden Foster

Applicant:        Mr & Mrs Szabady

Agent:    Dimension 22

77 Grove Road

North Finchley


N12 9DS


71 Rush Hill



Bath And North East Somerset


click on the link here.


Thursday 11 March 2021

Disabled Parking Bays requested

I have requested that a disabled parking bay is put outside the chemist on Twerton High Street and Mount Road.

I have had confirmation that both of these will be put forward in the next TRO consultation that will be taking place between April and June this year.

These should make it easier for those with a disabled badge to park and access the chemist and other shops,

Wednesday 3 March 2021

The Hollow - Inspectors Decision - APPEAL DISMISSED

Tim and Sarah are pleased to confirm the outcome of the recent independent Inspector's decision over the Planning Application for the land on The Hollow is as follows:

Appeal Decision

Site Visit made on 10 February 2021

by Nick Davies BSc Hons BTP MRTPI

an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State

Decision date: 03 March 2021

Appeal Ref: APP/F0114/W/20/3248964

Land Between City Farm and Cotswold View, The Hollow, Southdown, Bath BA2 1JN

• The appeal is made under section 78 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 against a refusal to grant planning permission.

• The appeal is made by Mr Nick Warfield (Freemantle Capital Partners (Hollow) Ltd) against the decision of Bath and North East Somerset Council.

• The application Ref 19/00786/FUL, dated 22 February 2019, was refused by notice dated 20 December 2019.

• The development proposed is erection of 9(no.) dwellings with associated access, parking, drainage and landscaping.


1. The appeal is dismissed.

Preliminary Matter

2. The Council’s decision notice refers to a Soft Landscape Plan numbered 1380-02-P5. The evidence indicates, however, that the drawing considered by the Council when making its decision was numbered 1380-02-P4, so that is the drawing that I have also considered.

Main Issues

3. The main issues are:

a) Whether the development would conserve the Outstanding Universal Value of the City of Bath World Heritage Site;

b) The effect of the development on the character and appearance of the surrounding area; and,

c) The effect of the development on the biodiversity value of the Twerton Farm Site of Nature Conservation Interest

Full details of the decision can be found here.