Friday, 7 June 2013

New date for Twerton PACT meeting

The local Police have confirmed through your Councillors that the next Twerton PACT meeting will take place on 1st August 7pm at St Michaels Junior School.

If you are a Twerton resident then you are welcome to attend these meeting and have your say on what priorities that you feel should take place in the Twerton area.

The priorities that will be reported on from the last meeting are:

Agreed 13th December 2012
1. Speeding vehicles on Kelston View. BANES Highways to be consulted with regard to conducting a traffic survey and local police team to conduct speed checks

2. Vehicles parking in Poolemead Road impeding pedestrian access of the footpath from Kelston View. BANES parking services to evaluate the need for road markings to be installed.

3. Street drinking in Twerton High Street. Local police team to continue to deal in a robust fashion acts of anti social behaviour involving street drinking.

By Councillor Tim Ball