Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Half Term Fun - Bath City Farm

Are you looking for activities in the area to keep your children amused this half term?

Bath City Farm are holding the following events that are free so why not go along to a great community venue right on our doorstep.

Monday 26th October 11am-2pm: 
Medieval Madness!
Go and explore medieval life at Bath City Farm, handle medieval artefacts, make a gargoyle and sample medieval food. 

Tuesday 27th October 11am-2pm: 
Apple and Pumpkin Day
Join them for a day of apple and pumpkin related fun, including; apple tasting, bobbing and juicing, and pumpkin carving. 

Saturday 31st October 1pm-4pm: 
Frightful Halloween Fun
Join them for an afternoon of spooky games, make a paper and willow lantern and dress to scare for our 3.30pm lantern-lit parade.