Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Pot Holes throughout Twerton

It is great to see many of the potholes that have appeared on the roads in the area are currently being filled in.

The two large  pot holes at the bottom of Poolemead Road are now repaired.

Christmas & New Year refuse and recycling collections.

Christmas and New Year recycling and rubbish collection changes

There are no collections on these bank holidays:

  • Christmas day (Friday 25 December)
  • New Year’s Day (Friday 1 January 2016)

Recycling and rubbish collections
Usual collection day
Revised collection day
Friday 25 December
Saturday 2 January 2016
Friday 1 January 2016

Recycling and rubbish will be collected as normal on Bank Holiday Monday 28 December.

Garden waste and Christmas tree collections

There are no garden waste collections for 2 weeks from Friday 25 December to Thursday 7 January 2016.  Normal collections will begin from Friday 8 January.

Friday, 4 December 2015

Can you help Bath City Farm.

Bath City Farm still need more volunteers to help With a Sainsbury’s Bag Packing Weekend down at Green Park Friday 11th - Sunday 13th December, 10am-4pm.  

This is Open to anyone 14 years and over (under 16s will need parental consent).  We really want to show our support to Sainsbury's to say thanks for selecting us as their Charity of the Year - so, please, please, if you can, give up an hour or two of your weekend to join us at the tills. 

To book your slot call Sarah on 01225 481269 or email sarah@bathcityfarm.org.uk

Bath City Farm Christmas Fair

On Saturday 12th December, There will be a Christmas Fair at Bath City farm, 11am-2pm.  There'll be Santa and his "reindeer", crafting activities, roasted chestnuts and homemade crafts and preserves for sale, plus the café will be open.  

This year DNA Arts will be joining in to decorate your youngsters' bikes or scooters with festive sparkle - so make sure they bring them along!

Penny quick playing fields

We are currently working with voluntary groups to try to get the BMX humps that the kids love enhanced.

This is a matter that we have looked at before and we never got round to getting it resolved, let's hope that this time the momentum is with us.

If any resident has any ideas of what more is needed in this area then please let us know.