Monday 27 May 2024

Culverhay/BCA - Rush Hill Site Update

Local Councillors Sarah Moore and Tim Ball have called on the cabinet to approve the papers at the upcoming Cabinet Meeting in June. 

After years of fighting to retain a strong education role for the Culverhay/BCA site by Councillors Sarah Moore and Tim Ball and other Councillors, and thanks to the dedication of the cabinet member for young people and children, the Council has secured two major government new build investments for the site with a possible total value in excess of £50m. 

We have had regular meetings with fellow South West Bath Councillors, Cabinet Members and Council officers because we value the current site uses and with two such large schools proposed on the site, we are also hopeful we will be able to have shared facilities for our residents outside school hours.

One school is for a 120 place SEND provision to allow for greater access for youngsters locally and another 55 place school for alternative provision for young people struggling at regular schools.

These decisions will commit that the site will retain a clear education role for the long term. We will keep residents updated on the decision for this and also the progress of the work, should it be approved.

Councillor Sarah Moore will be speaking at the Cabinet meeting to urge the proposals are accepted and we will keep you updated on the progress of this project.