The report is below.
The reduction in accident statistics on Newton Road immediately surrounding the school
suggests the Safer Routes to School funded engineering has been
successful in reducing speeds, raising awareness of children crossing
and therefore reducing child accidents in the immediate vicinity of
the school. There is, however, a continuing level of concern about
crossing this road, both during the school journey and in use by the
wider community where this road is regularly crossed.
It is proposed that further
investigation into the dangers encountered by school children
crossing in this location be undertaken, led by an update in the
school travel plan. The Safer Routes to School officer (Jessica
Fox-Taylor) has provided online surveys links to engage with pupils,
parents, staff, governors and residents local to the school. The
Safer Routes to School officer will continue to liase with the school
on their progress in updating the travel plan, and ensure any
emerging need for a controlled pedestrian crossing in this location
is reflected in the list of engineering schemes to be brought forward
for future Safer Routes to School capital funding.
Unfortunately the candidate selected
for the School Crossing Patrol post has decided not to take up the
offer of the job; however Bath and North East Somerset Council will
continue to recruit for this post.