Friday, 31 May 2013

Poolemead Road grass verges good news

As in our promises made to residents pre the local elections in 2011 we are please to announce that we are now able to go ahead with the installation of grass Crete at Poolemead Road.

Grass Crete will allow parking on the grass verges where there are no double yellow lines and will clear up the damage highlighted in this picture opposite.

This is another of our six to fix promises that we made to residents that is being achieved.

The finances have been made available by the two local Liberal Democrats Tim Ball & Gerry Curran Councillors ward initiative fund that allows Councillors a limited budget to spend on important local issues.

The proposals are:

1.       From the telephone box down to the vehicular access into Poole House  40metres x 1.5 metres

2.       From the vehicular access to Poole House down towards Garrick Road junction (to stop at the double yellow lines)

3.       Reinstate grass verge behind the yellow lines.

We would hope that this work would be carried out later this year.

By Cllr Tim Ball & Cllr Gerry Curran