Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Produce Market at Bath City Farm this Saturday!

Bath City Farm are holding their final Produce Market of the year, this Saturday 4th October, 11am – 1pm.

They will be selling fresh vegetables (including squashes, savoy cabbage, leeks and peas), jams, chutneys, bread, Gloucester Old Spot Pork, fresh cut flowers and crafts. We have some great value strawberry plants, redcurrant/blackcurrant bushes, Sweet Williams, pansies, chilli plants, sweet peas, vegetable seedlings and herbs.

There will be live music and a bouncy castle too, so a great day out for a good cause!

Go along and have fun?

New Double yellow lines and removal of Double yellow yellow Lines

New Schedules for no waiting restrictions have just been published and these will affect 2 Twerton Roads.

1) Waiting restrictions (  double yellow lines ) will be put into place on the northern spur of Landseer Road to ensure that emergency vehicles can gain access to Landseer Road.

2) Waiting restrictions ( double yellow lines ) will be removed from a section of Poolemead road to aid the provision of off road parking.

These have both been consulted on with local residents who support these proposals.

The new schedules take affect as of 15th October 2014

Possible delays due to road Works

With Scheduled resurfacing works taking place in Haycombe Drive for 3 days later this week there is a potential for delays to the number 5 Bus service running through Twerton.

We would advise residents to ensure that they leave home in plenty of time to reach their destination.