Following our recent updates, below is some further information on what is happening and planned for Twerton High Street.
- Upcoming engagement/consultation: In terms of the Love Our High Streets Bath Local Centres project, an announcement is due soon for the engagement/consultation sessions which are programmed to take place August/September.
- Newspaper storage and graffiti outside the former supermarket: B&NES is in discussion with Greenacres about removing the newspaper storage box and graffiti. We are also looking to arrange an art installation to be put in place in the shop windows.
- 106 & 107 High Street Vacant Units: The occupation of these units is currently being worked through and temporary occupation of these should be in place later this Summer.
- Long term regeneration plans: The bid for WECA funding to support the development of a Twerton High Street Area Masterplan was successful and work on this project is scheduled to begin in September.