Monday 22 July 2024

Councillor Ward Casework

It has come to our attention that a number of residents have been trying to contact us via Facebook Messenger and X (formally Twitter), however, we have not received notifications for a lot of these messages and it is very difficult to keep track of these due to the volume of requests we receive.

Whilst we do our best to pick up all messages, we are not on Social Media all day due to work and other commitments. We would ask that any issues you want us to assist with is primarily sent via email to -

Please also include your name and address as we are often asked for assistance from residents that do not live in Twerton or Whiteway ward area. We are often dealing with in excess of 50 residents each, at any one time and so we cannot guarantee an immediate response, however, we will respond as soon as we can.

If your issue is urgent you can contact us daily on our mobiles between 9am and 7.30pm - 

Sarah Moore - 07807013635

Tim Ball - 07970461674

If we are unable to answer your call, please make sure you leave a message (including your name and address) as we will not return any call from unknown numbers.

Both Councillor Sarah Moore and Tim Ball have been subjected to abuse and this is not acceptable any abuse whether online or in person, and will block these people and not respond.

We will also be starting our monthly ward surgeries again in September and details of these will be advertised closer to the date.