Tuesday 23 July 2024

Highways update - Twerton

Yesterday Councillors Tim Ball and Sarah Moore had a meeting with a BANES Highways Engineer to start the process of looking at roads across the ward in which residents have raised concerns over speeding traffic and pedestrian safety.

Our initial meeting looked at Shophouse Road and Twerton High Street and the Engineer will now put together his report of recommendations for those roads which we will then discuss with the residents on those roads (and surrounding streets that would be affected) to get their views before submitting a request for funds to make any agreed changes.

We have also requested a number of roads to be included on the next resurfacing schedule including Highland Road, Windrush Close and Dominion Road.

Our next review will be Poolemead Road, Sheridan Road, Garrick Road and Shaws Way where we will look at speeding and parking issues with a Highways Engineer who will be able to advise what options are available to be discussed with residents in the affected area.

Due to the processes that need to be followed and the need to secure the relevant funding, it does take some time to get these meetings and associated works carried out, however, Tim and Sarah are committed to making Twerton and Whiteway as safe and accessible for everyone as they can.