Sunday, 29 April 2012

Bath City Conference 2012: details announced

The full programme of public debates, speakers, and displays at the Bath City Conference: One Hundred Ideas for Bath – organised Bath & North East Somerset Council – have been announced. All members of the public are welcome to attend at any stage during the day to share, debate, and learn about the matters that are important to them at the public debates. The event takes place at the Guildhall on Wednesday May 2nd 2012 between 2pm and 8pm. The Council will be tweeting information about the content of the day via #bathcityconf both in the run-up and during the day. “At the evening public debate, we will be asking people what opportunities they think there are for communities and the Council to work more closely to address the challenges we face, in what way Bath would be different if we made these changes, and what we need to do next to ensure this change takes place.” One hundred ideas for Bath – Conference details Proceedings will be opened by a performance by the Golden Oldies Singing Group and the day introduced by Councillor Paul Crossley, Leader of Council. There are a wide range of presentations and debates taking place that all residents are welcome to attend. 2.40pm; Tourism in Bath; Nick Brooke-Sykes – Chief Executive, Bath Tourism Plus will speak and take part in a question and answer session; 3.30pm – 3.45pm; Bath’s thriving digital scene – Mike Ellis, Storm Consultancy; 4pm; The Spa: 5 years on; Peter Rollins, Thermae Sales & Marketing Manager will give a perspective on the progress of the Bath Spa and its contribution to the city; 5pm; Presentation on the Bath Homes Fit for the Future project, including a showing of a short film about the benefits of making your home more energy efficient; 5.15pm & 6.40pm; Bath Dance Academy will be performing; 5.30pm; Bath City Centre: A Place for You – there will be presenting findings from City Centre Workshops and John Myers, who has overseen this work, will chair a debate on the issue; 7pm; “Your Council, Your community - how we can work together even better” – a presentation by the next Chief Executive of the Council, Dr Jo Farrar will precede a debate about the future of the city with input from local people. The Brunswick Room will host a number of activities to give people a taste of physical activity and its benefits.  These include table tennis, a rowing and cycling challenge, interactive displays and free mini health checks. A number of displays are also available all day how residents are being supported to reduce carbon emissions and energy bills in their homes, Sainsbury’s plans for Green Park Station, the future of the MOD sites, and how the 2012 London Olympics are being celebrated locally the Gold Challenge, Sky Ride Bath and the Olympic Torch Relay celebrations, amongst many others. The Mayor and Chair's room will be open during the afternoon. How to attend… People can come along to the Conference at any time during the day. Although no prior notification is required, the Council is encouraging people to register their interest to gauge numbers. Call Stacy Pritchard on 01225 395429 or email  

Pot Holes reported

The pot holes that have been causing concern on Wedgewood Road Have been reported and we would hope that they would be repaired shortly.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Shaws Way Litter problem

By Tim Ball

I have reported the problem of the amount of litter that has been accumulating on the steps between 32 & 33 Shaws Way.

I have asked that the the area is cleaned up and that it is kept monitored for a few months to ensure that this area stays clean.

Kelston View

By Tim Ball

I have asked for the pot holes on Kelston View to be repaired.

I have also asked tha the rocking slab opposite 99 Kelston View is attended to that rocks each time that a bus runs over it.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Broken paving slabs Twerton High Street

By Tim Ball

I have asked that the paving slabs that are broken at the end of Twerton High Street near to the Junction with Shophouses Road are repaired.

The land next to where these slabs are broken is due for development and I am chasing this matter up.

Lights Kelston View

I have asked for the lights at Kelston View to be repaired at 8.30pm las night 3 of the lamp posts close to the Wedgewood road Junction were not working.

I hope that these will be repaired in the next few days.