Saturday, 29 June 2013

Highland Road Litter Pick

Your Local Councillors Tim Ball & Gerry Curran have carried out a litter pick in Highland Road on Friday morning supported by several local residents, these are part of the regular letter picks that we carry out every Friday.

In all we have removed quite a few bags of rubbish and have left the area much cleaner that when we found it.

Cllr Gerry Curran said: "This area always seems to be in a mess and we are keen to find out why. It could be rubbish sacks not being cleared away or it could be the lack of a litter bin."

We are considering getting a litter bin put in place but want residents feed back please let us know what you think.

by Councillor Tim Ball

Friday, 28 June 2013

New Bus Stops in Twerton

The installation of new bus stops is moving at quite a pace and it seems that most people are happy with the work that is being carried out.

The money has come for the Bath Transport Package that is support by the Government and the Council administration.

We have however picked up a few grumbles that we are dealing with such as tarmac over a gutter in Kelston View.

If you have any comments about the installation that you have not already brought to our attention then please let us know.

by Councillor Tim Ball

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Landseer Road

We have asked Curo to ensure that this patch of land is cleared up and replanted as soon as possible.

Late last year we asked that an old dead tree was removed from this area and this was carried out.

We at the time received assurances that the area would be completely cleared of weeds and replanted in the spring, as we are now in early summer with have reminded them.

by Councillor Tim Ball

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Speed Checks Twerton

There seems to be confusion with some people believing that the Police do not carry out speed checks in Twerton and that the majority of people are speeding in their cars.

I have carried out extensive checks with the Police and have received confirmation that the primary routes in Twerton are checked periodically.

The roads that receive regular checks are Newton Road, High Street, Kelston View and the Hollow, the police have reported that since the introduction of the 20mph speed limits in the Twerton area by the Councils Liberal Democrat administration that mean speeds of vehicles have been reduced.

It has come to our attention that some one has been unofficially using an uncalibrated Camera in the Twerton area that does not accurately record speeds of vehicles.

It has to be pointed out very clearly that uncalibrated units used by untrained people are unreliable and can be distracting for motorists that could cause a danger to the public.

We are keen to see Speed limits kept to by all vehicles in the area and this is a matter of education as well as enforcement and that enforcement has to be left to the professionals and not done by well meaning amateurs.

However we are keen to hear from residents who have concerns about speeding motorists.

by Councillor Tim Ball

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Noisy Neighbours

I have had the displeasure to make complaints about two residents of Newton Road for the loud music that emanates from there houses after receiving complaints from neighbouring houses.

I have been told that these have been spoken to by their neighbours and have ignored requests for their music to be kept a a reasonable volume.

I have therefore reported both of these Curo tenants to their landlord Curo asking them to attempt to resolve the issue.

It is always important to remember that everyone has the right to live in reasonable peace and quiet and not be disturbed by blaring music day and night.

By Councillor Tim Ball

Monday, 24 June 2013

Can you help or do you need help

Royal Voluntary Service (formerly WRVS) are supporting Avon and Somerset Police by providing a dedicated personal telephone support service to people in their own homes.  Royal Voluntary Service hopes to soon extend this to personal visits. The initiative enables trained and vetted volunteers to provide:

. A confidential listening ear
. A friendly caring voice at the end of the phone
. Regular pre-arranged calls
. Information about local support networks and services
. Access to other Royal Voluntary Service services
. Support to feel more confident in your own home
. Support to be independent and active in the community

Royal Voluntary Service welcomes members of Neighbourhood Watch to join them in providing support and befriending to those who need it.  The premise of Neighbourhood Watch is about local people working together to create safe, attractive, friendly places to live. Royal Voluntary Service befriending initiative enables NHW members to get involved in reaching out to members of the community who feel isolated and sometimes vulnerable.

The service operates on a referral basis, so even if you aren't able to volunteer, you may know of people within your community who would benefit from the support that  the Royal Voluntary Service can provide.

Further information about the Royal Voluntary Service and the services they provide can be found on their website 

For details about becoming a volunteer or to discuss making a referral, please contact Jenny Jenkins
Royal Voluntary Service Community Service Manager Bristol and Somerset
Mobile 07714 898656.

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Waste out on wrong days

We have had to report several households in the past few weeks for deliberately putting their waste out on the wrong days.

A particular problem last week was Kelston View and the properties have been reported to the council for investigation.

Putting waste out on the wrong day is not only dangerous as people could fall over it but it also gets scattered all over the roads meaning more expense for it to be cleared up.

Residents in Bath and North East Somerset are only permitted to place their waste out for collection from 8pm the evening before collection day. If waste is placed within the boundaries of private property it is the responsibility of the property owner.

Please help keep Twerton a cleaner place

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Police remider to stay safe and secure

The Police remind us that following a number of domestic burglaries in Bath where the offenders have gained entry through an insecure door or window, all householders are reminded to close and lock all doors and windows when leaving their house during the day especially during the warmer weather and at night.

Simple precautions can prevent incidents occurring so let's all try and be a bit more careful and mindful of leaving any properties unoccupied.

If you have information about any crime, phone the police on 101 or you can call anonymously to the independent charity CRIMESTOPPERS 0800 555 111.

Friday, 21 June 2013

Highland Road

I have asked the Council to ensure that the pot hole outside of 25 Highland Road to be filled in as soon as possible.

I have also asked the council to investigate why after residents reported this over two months ago that  a bollard was placed over the hole and it still has not been filled in.

St Michaels Road

I have asked the council to put white keep clear lines down in front of the two set of steps at the East Close end of St Michaels Road.

It seems that these two sets of steps are the only ones without the White lines in front of them and we are now receiving complaints about cars parking in front of these steps causing distress to some of our least mobile residents.

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Gutter drains East & West Close

I have asked the council to check the gutter drains in East Close and West Close to ensure that they are free from the weeds that are growing out of them.

I have also asked they are checked to see if they need to be fully cleared out.

Poolemead Road

It is good to see that the pot holes that we have asked to be repaired on Poolemead Road have at last been filled in.

If you know of any pot holes that need to be filled in please let us know.

By Cllr Tim Ball

Friday, 7 June 2013

New date for Twerton PACT meeting

The local Police have confirmed through your Councillors that the next Twerton PACT meeting will take place on 1st August 7pm at St Michaels Junior School.

If you are a Twerton resident then you are welcome to attend these meeting and have your say on what priorities that you feel should take place in the Twerton area.

The priorities that will be reported on from the last meeting are:

Agreed 13th December 2012
1. Speeding vehicles on Kelston View. BANES Highways to be consulted with regard to conducting a traffic survey and local police team to conduct speed checks

2. Vehicles parking in Poolemead Road impeding pedestrian access of the footpath from Kelston View. BANES parking services to evaluate the need for road markings to be installed.

3. Street drinking in Twerton High Street. Local police team to continue to deal in a robust fashion acts of anti social behaviour involving street drinking.

By Councillor Tim Ball

Action after walk around with Curo

I had a good walk around roads in Twerton with Curo Staff on Wednesday and we picked up issues such as flytiping by 162 Redland Park that is going to be removed we have also looked at too many untidy gardens and action will be taken against certain residents.

I have reported the grass that has again been allowed to become overgrown by the rear of 71 to 72 and asked that it is cut back and the rubbish removed.

Curo are planning a community action Day in August in Redland Park and I will publish the details when they are available.

We have asked that tow tree ropes are removed at Woodhouse Road after complaints from residents.

By Concillor Tim Ball

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Police alert in Twerton Rouge salesman calling on doors

A male with an Irish accent has been sighted going door-to-door in the Cameley Green/Newton Road area of Twerton this week, attempting to sell furniture.

Please do not allow unknown persons into your home, engage in conversation or hand over any monies.  Please call the Police immediately.

If you have any information regarding his vehicle please contact the Police on 101 Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111

Dumped matress Hanna Close

I have asked for the mattress that has been dumped in Hanna Close to be removed as soon as possible.

If you are are aware of who dumped the mattress then please let us know.

If you see any item that has been dumped then please let us know ASAP.

By Councillor Tim Ball

Monday, 3 June 2013

Bath City Farm Fun Day



  Kelston View, Bath, BA2 1NW             

Come along and have some fun  & help raise money for the farm 



               PRODUCE & PLANT STALL   

To book a car  boot pitch call 01225 481269 £5/£8 

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Bath City What Future do they have in Twerton ?

The debate on the future of Bath City Football Club in Twerton is one that is starting to focus on the minds of many Twerton residents.

Bath City have been in Twerton since 1909 and have been good neighbours for many years now and the thought of them not being around is a subject that we now need to address.

Councillor Tim Ball said: "The Club has been very clear with us that it is their intention to move from Twerton Park in the next few years due to very severe financial constraints.

We now have to address what will happen to the ground if and when they vacate".
Your local councillors have been in close discussions with the Club and the local authority as to what the ground is capable of providing.

Councillor Gerry Curran said: " It is now almost certain that Bath City will leave Twerton Park and we need to know what residents feel should happen with the ground.

Please let us know what you think

This story has been run on this blog before but out of public interest we are running it again.

by Councillor Tim Ball